United Way works hard to advance the common good by focusing on education, health, financial stability and safety net. These are the building blocks for a good life - a quality education that leads to a stable job, enough income to support a family through retirement, and good health.
Where the Money Goes
2024 outcomes and beneficiary data below represents individuals served by United Way supported programs in our service area for a total of 100,142 served:
- 48,530 individuals received support for health-related issues including crisis counseling, health, and dental care.
- 25,037 individuals received support in the form of financial stability and safety net including disaster relief, utility assistance, basic needs, supplemental food support, shelter programs, protection from abuse, and clothing needs.
- 2,240 children participated in education programs that promote academic growth, positive relationships, confidence, and leadership skills outside of school hours.
- 24,335 individuals were served through information and referral services including WV 211 and the annual Christmas Bureau.
- 100% of individuals served live in poverty, as defined by the federal poverty levels.
Three Ways to Give
Donate Online*
United Way of Central West Virginia accepts donations online. Donate using a credit card or checking account.
Donate through a Workplace Campaign
We encourage you to donate generously through your workplace campaign. If your company does not run a United Way campaign, you can still donate to United Way by giving online. Or find out how to start a workplace campaign. See our brochure here!
Donating Stocks/Securities
For many people, investments in securities represent a significant portion of their assets. Stocks and other investments are often an important part of one's long-term plans, providing a nest egg to rely on in the future.
Did you know that your investments can also be an excellent source for charitable gifts? Stocks, bonds, mutual funds, and other securities that you have owned for more than one year not only make convenient gifts, but can provide you with welcome tax benefits as well.
*Donations gathered through this website are not credited toward a specific workplace campaign.
Contact our Chief Financial Officer at 304-340-3506 for more information and to donate